Rice & Advice with Dr. Jarrod Hardke, 2020 Ep. 5, 8-28-20. Dr. Tommy Butts. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. Topics: - Weed control in furrow-irrigated rice. - Different weeds of concern. - Weed management options.
Arkansas Rice Advice
Rice & Advice w/ Dr. Jarrod Hardke, 2020 Ep. 5, 8-28-20
Rice & Advice w/ Dr. Jarrod Hardke, 2020 Ep. 4, 8-14-20
Rice & Advice with Dr. Jarrod Hardke, 2020 Ep. 4, 8-14-20. Dr. Nick Bateman and Chase Floyd. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. Topics: - Rice billbug in furrow-irrigated rice. - Description of the rice billbug and damage caused. - Control and management options for rice billbug.